Hadi Eldebek & Friends
Habibi Festival • Oct 1, 2023
Hadi Eldebek is a musician from Lebanon based in New York City. He has collaborated with prominent figures and institutions in the Arts, Culture, and Education sectors, including Yo-Yo Ma's Silkroad Ensemble, Harvard Graduate School of Education, The Kennedy Center, TED, Disney World Imagineering, and others. Hadi is the artistic director of The Brooklyn Nomads, a cross cultural band rooted in Arabic music traditions. In addition to live performances, Hadi composed the music for two plays, Ismail Khalidi's Dead Are My People and Kholoud Sawaf's 10,000 Balconies. Hadi's TED talk discussing the importance of funding the arts and artists, which has gone viral with over 1.25 million views.